Archive for May, 2018

I. The Eyes of the Body and the Eyes of the Soul.

May 5, 2018

II. Sharing my spiritual life and health problems.

III. The 15 Promises that Our Lady gave to St. Dominic when we pray the Rosary.


It is amazing to realize how our human plans and God’s plans, even for a simple blog on His mercy coming from a simple woman who loves Him, can be so different. I wanted to share first all the teachings received in this month of April, yet, a huge teaching/explanation on the celebration of the Mass, the Latin Tridentine Mass and the Novus Ordo, made me realize that I had to begin with His first idea given to me at the beginning of April, and that is to share with you a document I wrote in 2006 while living in Toledo, OH and just to share with friends.

I had so many things going on between the recent move to Alabama and my health, all while I was diligently trying to say “yes” to this complicated scenario, when suddenly out of one of the boxes came this document and I felt that I had to use it as my blog for this month and nothing else… Its spiritual value seemed worthwhile to do it and that it was truly coming from God’s will. As the month of April progressed, His teaching was profuse and I realized that I also had to share it…! So, I ask you for your patience!



Luke 11:28 – Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it.

Mark 10: 46-53. (Gospel for Sunday, October 29. 2006)

Jesus and His disciples came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho among a sizeable crowd, Bartimeus, a blind man, the son of Timeus, sat by the roadside begging. On hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.”

And many rebuked him telling him to be silent. But he kept calling out all the more, “Son of David, have pity on me.”  Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So, they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take courage; get up; He is calling you.” Bartimeus threw aside his cloak, sprang up and came to Jesus.

Jesus said to him in reply, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man replied to Him, “Master, I want to see.” Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Him on the way.

Luke 11: 33-35

“No one who lights a lamp hides it away or places it under a bushel basket, but on a lamp stand so that those who enter might see the light. The lamp of the body is your eye. When your eye is sound, then your whole body is filled with light, but when it is bad, then your body is in darkness. Take care, then, that the light in you not become darkness.”


On November 1st. on the Feast of All Saints, my Lord emphasized in His teaching to me that the eye of the soul (and not about the eyes of the body, as he says in Luke 11:33-35  with a warning) is the trust we place in His love for each of us, and just as the light penetrates the body through our eyes (Luke 11), so holiness will penetrate the eyes of our soul via our trust in His love, and our work is simply to grow in this trusting as a child does. The Lord used the story of Bartimeus read the prior Sunday to give me a major hint… The blind man believed that Jesus was sent by God by calling Him Son of David; he then prayed because he kept calling Jesus as if trying to establish a relationship with Him. He had no fear because he did not care what others said upon his persistent screams. By this persistence, he trusted that Jesus had the answer. Finally, he used the “weapon” and begged Him by appealing to His mercy, His mercy that would reveal an action, and that action was Jesus’ love for him. He never mentioned he was blind. In fact, “The eyes of Bartimeus’ soul were very healthy.” And my Lord said to me, “And therefore, he received a huge miracle for his sick bodily eyes…”


With the story of Bartimeus, my Lord was calling me to trust every second of every minute that He loves me so much that he will take care of everything else, and this is to show me to proceed in this new profession that will move me very soon into a full time job for the Kingdom.

Note: 2018: and this was a prophetic revelation because at this time, I was in Toledo, OH and I had been without a job since mid 2003 and asked by God to stay calm, despite that I needed some $3,000 per month to pay the mortgage, electricity, water, insurances (car, home), snow plowing and grass cutting, etc.). I had to wait for miracles (they came with two of my sons and right now here in Alabama) by sending me enough money to survive. Let me say that I had RECENTLY prior to this day received the idea that I would be involved with the topic of God’s Mercy. This came because at the time, members of the Divine Mercy Devotion in the United States were planning on building another place to become the Western site for this devotion, as the one in Stockbridge, Mass. They had bought several acres of land nearby San Francisco and I did visited this  empty land when I arrived in California.

However, by 2006 when I wrote this document, I had no permission to sell my house. That came on Thanksgiving of 2007, and the house entered the market on January of 2008. It sold in May 2008, even that for at least the previous year some 10 homes around were for sale … The real estate market for homes was down… I arrived in California on July 7, 2008. My first blog was posted on November 1, 2008, even that I did not know what a blog was… I still believed that I would be part of the effort of building this place for Divine Mercy, and which never came to be.

I still do not remember where the idea of writing a blog came from… However, this present story from 2006 seems to be like in a blog format that was written ahead of November 2008. I would share this writing with a few religious friends. (End of 2018 note)

Copy continues from the November 3, 2006 document

I realized that this time of waiting for my further formation in absolute trust in God’s will was starting right here in Toledo. As I did my Holy Hour with the exposed Blessed Sacrament on Monday, October 30, Jesus asked me to thank Him for everything, for so much that He has favored me with… I was starting to read a list of things that I had written thanking Him for every aspect of my life when He said, “Not so fast! That is precisely lip service. Anyone can do that. You do it in action… Thank Me by the way you submit to My will with “el silencio de Maria!” (With the silence of Mary!).

On this same Monday, I saw a program about Purgatory. It was a re-run from 2004. A very holy priest, Fr. Benedict Groeschel from New York City was talking through the phone because he had just suffered a major traffic accident (he was hit by a car) and was recuperating. He was explaining how for 20 minutes he was without vital signs (no blood pressure or pulse), and he was probably in his late sixties with coronary bypass grafts placed in the recent past. He apparently went through an “after death” experience. He was successfully resuscitated and spent two months with an endo- tracheal tube on a respirator but in a conscious state. He had to live these two months in pure silence with the knowledge of all his sins, which was equivalent to time, lived in Purgatory.

He was a holy kid: an Altar server at age 9. He attended daily Mass at 14; entered the seminary at 17, became a priest and graduated with a PhD in Psychology from Columbia University. He ended up being part of the reformers of this branch of the Franciscan Order, now known as the Friars of the Renewal, pretty much as St. Teresa of Avila did. He had been a formidable preacher, author of many books and well known for his sanctity. Well, when in 2004 he saw his past sins (while conscious with an endo-tracheal tube in place not allowing him to speak), he said in this phone conversation that these sins that lingered throughout his life were important: 1) some came from pride; 2) some from self-adulation but 3) the most exasperating of all: the many times that he did not respond (omission) in his life to the grace of Christ …

I suddenly became fully awake; my spiritual sight was wounded and I decided to tape the program in its re-run at 4 AM. The next morning I listened again to the 15 minutes of Fr. Groeschel’s story while getting ready for Mass. This priest recovered and today he has a Live program on Sundays’ at 7 PM in EWTN. (2018: Fr. Benedict passed away a few years ago but the program still goes on). His memory is intact… and he is still an extraordinary presenter of the Truth… Scientifically, he could have lived but not with a perfect memory or clear speech. No way! His return to this earth was allowed by God in order to tell us more stories that we all needed to hear, and therefore, his message gained even more importance for me! He came back from the grave to warn us!

Well, my Lord asked me to offer the Mass of October 31 in atonement with repentance for exactly those sins of omission. It is not what we do, but what we fail to do!!! As I contemplated my own life, I realized that I have been very complacent in wasting my talents… I asked myself, “For how long can I go on not responding to the graces that have been given to me for the sake of the Kingdom? Ouch, ouch and ouch!!! As I drove to Church I thought of the Ministerial Priesthood and how this Fr. Groeschel is a gem of a priest!

While doing my Holy Hour after Mass, I still had some pain in my right side lingering from my gall bladder inflammation, which has been going on for 3-4 weeks, and my chest was not back to normalcy after my flu just ending. I noticed that I was not coming out of this problem fast enough… I then asked Him to give me a message and answer the following question, “Shall I go to see a doctor? What to do?” He said, “Go to the laboratory (in the same building of my previous job in a surgery center) and order yourself some tests.” I have done it before and I realized that it was a great idea because in California (I had already being invited by son E. to come to live with him) I would not have a license to practice medicine to be able to order them. It was 9:30 AM when I left and visited the lab. I found the same phlebotomist (laboratory technician who draws the blood) and who knew me from the times when I was the director of the surgery center. We talked tons… and she said that a few days before she had asked the operating room nurses about my whereabouts.

Everybody was still questioning my leaving (2003) since I had passed this surgery center after the review by Joint Commission (Federal agency to secure medical safety) regarding our policies and procedures to keep this place in strict adherence to the best practice of medicine for the security of the patients, I had passed it with the highest percentage ever in the U.S.. Yet, the phlebotomist and all other employees of the center did not know that I had been asked to be part of another anesthesia group and to cover through them the surgery center, in order for the owners not to spend my annual $ 225,000 per year salary! I would be paid by the Anesthesia group from another hospital. I did not like the deal at all!

She is a devoted Protestant and of course we talked about the Lord, and she added that she missed me because of my “sermons” on the Crucified during our lunch time periods. Shortly after this meeting, I realized that I had a power within but coming from the Holy Spirit to arouse souls… This was a grace to which I must respond and work as much as my Lord wants me so to remind others about His Kingdom within us and His love for us. What a treasure I had been given. On the same day, I received a fax with the laboratory results and I was not dying. All my organs were functioning well. There was only a slight elevation of the blood count denoting a minor infection going on in my body and probably left over from my gallbladder trouble.

I must add that when I came home, I had forgotten to connect my fax machine. But the Lord is sooo fantastic that He suddenly reminded me to do it and 4 minutes later the results came in!!! I clearly realized that if I repent and want to change my ways, He does the impossible to bless me… He is alive and He is soo good that He sent me to obtain these parameters of my blood chemistry as an answer to do the right thing and at least wait for now to visit a doctor, since I have no health insurance being jobless

In the mean time He used me and I went and preached to Betty, the phlebotomist. I taught her the definition of Mercy. We spoke of Jesus death on a Cross as the greatest act of His mercy for us. We talked about the movie that had come in 2004 and repeated in 2005, “The Passion of Christ.” I said to her that with this movie, He wanted me to have an indelible photograph of His last 12 hours on earth, so that when I feel I am hanging on the cross, I can simply look at Him like the good thief and say to Jesus, “Master, remember me now that You are in Your Kingdom.” He also wanted me to have a clear plan in my spiritual life for this time and do what He asked His apostles to do. He said to them, “Watch and pray.” When I told her that I had been sent to watch this movie 22 times, she laughed but then she cried because she was amazed at the reasons why I had been sent to do so…

I said to her that I had been watching and praying. I had been watching the forces of nature, the hatred among nations, the divisiveness just before a national election with so many lies disguised as truth. I had been praying for His mercy to descend like never before. But His mercy can only be drawn by trusting in His love for me and for the whole world from any nation, creed and race like a child. No other patients were waiting. He simply chose the right time for me to talk about Him with Betty! That is the way He is… He blesses everyone He can and uses us as carriers of the blessing.

During the All Souls evening prayer service of November 2, I saw a baby opposite to my seat across the aisle, and his very young mother was weeping much before the service. However, she never let go for one second of the care with great love for this baby, and I thought of “rahamin.”  This is the Hebrew word that denotes the love of a mother for her baby and which is the mercy of God. If I just automatically believe that I am loved by my Dad in heaven just like that baby was by his mother, I would have won the greatest battle there is. What intrigued me the most was the trust of this 14-16 month old baby in the care and love of his mother. The service lasted almost one hour and he kept rather quiet, awake most of the time, from time to time drinking from his bottle but totally comforted since he was in his mother’s arms. He did not show any desire to move around or to show fear upon seeing so many people around and as WE loudly prayed and sang. What an image!

This question remains, “How to become a child to trust like this one in order to keep the eyes of our souls healthy and truly say, “Jesus I trust in You?

1. We must follow His precepts and obey His Commandments with great determination. We must remember the extra Beatitude, “Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it.”

2. We must keep the silence of our Mother Mary, saying “yes” to all present moments for all the right reasons, as we reject fear, doubts and desires to control our future decisions and plans, all of which represent acts of mistrust in His love.

3. Instead, we must dedicate every moment to: “watch” and identify the graces given to us and respond immediately using them in the ways He leads us but with the very important desire to build His Kingdom, as we beg for His mercy (His love in action), and as we “pray” that we could truly become the best servants possible, so that Our Master may find us prepared for His coming to take us home to the mansion He has prepared for us.

4. We must take heed of the hints given to us by Bartimeus: he prayed with persistence; he trusted that Jesus could heal him; he ignored what anybody else could say or opine. Finally and most importantly, he begged Jesus to show him His mercy, that is, by revealing to him His love through the healing of his eyes. In other words, Bartimeus kept a watch with the eyes of his soul, a form of praying, and he received his bodily eyesight in order to follow Jesus…

5. And as in Fatima, we must constantly make sacrifices for ourselves by following the above divine plan so that we can “see.” We must understand that the building of His Kingdom on earth is all what should interest us… and that we must sacrifice and pray for this to happen.

Building the Kingdom of God means:

1. To officially become fishers of men and direct all we do to save souls. Of course, all we do should always be under the guidance of His Spirit to do God’s will.

2. To pray for the healing of all aspects of the Catholic Church (Ministerial and Common Priesthoods) as she deals within her ranks with the invasion of secularism and indifference.

3. Offering daily atonement and reparation (through Holy Hours, First Friday’s and Saturday’s devotion and the prayer of the Chaplet of Mercy) for the sacrileges, outrages and indifference by which the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary are offended.

4. Acquainting the whole world with the power of His mercy and what it truly means, begging Jesus for it (since He is mercy Himself), for us and the whole world

5. Praying for His Kingdom to reign in our hearts (by offering Masses, Rosaries, Holy Hours and other devotions).

6. Constantly going to Our Mother, the Holy Angels and Saints in heaven to intercede for us for His Kingdom to grow in our hearts.

After receiving this plan, Jesus said to me, “If you want your move to California to be effortless and with all needs met, but most importantly, if you want to build My Kingdom through Opus Misericordiae, be sure that you follow all of the above and as best as you can. The health of the eyes of your soul, like Bartimeus, must be attended to at all times in order “to see” My will in every decision you make, and to have success in submitting to it as a matter of fact out of Love for Me and your brothers and sisters. You have all the knowledge you need. Simply call for My Mercy to implement it and serve me as the best disciple possible.”

Toledo, Ohio, November 3, 2006. (End of document)

2018: Closing note after the document of 2006

As I wrote before, this document appeared out of the blue in X box that was opened. I was not even checking this box opened by my son when I entered this bedroom and felt called to check up what was in it. When I read it, I immediately realized that because of my health plus the power of the planned detoxification to be started, I probably could not write a regular blog and this would serve the task for this month. Looking back, it was not to serve as the blog for April by itself… IN HINDSIGHT, I found this document to clearly bring up the fact that the WILL OF GOD is soo perfect for all of us, that trying to offer novenas, rosaries and Holy Hours to ask God to give us what WE THINK we need and how fast we need it, is the work of Satan in our lives… We cannot improve the will of God for each one of us… Look at these facts:

1. He retained me in Toledo without a job from June 2003 to July 2008.

2. I wanted to move to California much earlier (2005 when my son Ernie invited me to do so) but I was not given permission to sell the house. I had to look like the craziest woman on earth, and as Mother Angelica said, I had to do the ridiculous for God to do the miraculous. I was financially soo tight , before my sons started helping me financially, that I tried to find out if I could get some help from the parish’s societies for the poor… But, I was told by a clergy member to be real and look for a job instead, as if finding jobs in anesthesiology was easy in the this small area I lived. They refused to accept my God’s guidance as a true fact! So, my own local Church failed me… Well, that is that their humanity failed me… Was Satan involved? Perhaps! Yet, my God was as alive as ever…

3. Had I disobeyed the orders from God, I would have placed my home in the market and keep cleaning it often for showings but not been able to sell it because other homes were not selling in my area. (Many of these showings are done for clients to compare prices…)

4. When the will of God was to sell, the right family appeared which needed wide halls within the house because the 41 year old husband had had a recent stroke and needed to use a wheel chair… In fact, they had already placed an offer for another home but at the last minute cancelled it and bought my home!!!

5. When the will of God was to sell, I had spent 4 + years obeying His will without any money or job available. This VERY DIFFICULT  time OF PRUNING  was used to pray much and love much and spiritually grow much. In other words, His will was super perfect… as He said, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does, He prunes so that it bears more fruit… I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever, remains in Me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without Me you can do nothing…” John 15: 1-8

6. The truth is also that this time was needed for the preparation needed for my son in California to move to another home to occupy one of its rooms and for his two friends to move out, so that I would end up near an expressway and a petroleum refinery to increase the toxicity that already was growing in my brain for some years through anesthetic gases… but at a much slower pace.

7. THE MOST FANTASTIC gift and fruit from His will was to move precisely near San Francisco where they have an extraordinary group working for a huge PUBLIC  BROADCASTING STATION ( TV ) that brought many scientists and physicians to speak on health matters… It was through this PBS that I found Dr. Mark Hyman who led me to think on detoxification in general. Then, my Lord gave me the idea that my memory problems prior to my arrival in California had not been detected as related to toxicity.

Dr. Hyman spoke about his year spent in China as a college student in a factory with much mercury around. He became ill and had to come back and that led him to put together toxicity with illnesses. I already had much knowledge in naturopathic medicine, the one that uses foods and natural products to PREVENT DISEASE… versus allopathic medicine (like Dr. Hyman’s and my degree as MD’s).

It was then that I used products to detoxify my body and in 2009 I was able to reverse my dementia. I was not expecting such a miracle…. It is obvious that it was all coming from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, without this move to California, I could not have found this information so easily.  My sons would have had to place me in a nursing home (expensive!) since people with dementia cannot take care of themselves. MORE IMPORTANT: without this move to California and precisely near this PBS and being close to a very toxic area where my memory got worse almost immediately, the ENTIRE WORLD WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN of this gift from God: to BE ABLE TO reverse dementia…

WHAT ABOUT IF I HAD NOT DONE THE WILL OF GOD? What about if I had tried to sell the home very cheaply to go and reside in Costa Rica? And yes, I had that thought and a friend of mine offered me to receive me in her home. With my Social Security money (a little hi in numbers because I paid much) I could have survived in Costa Rica and eventually be trapped there among friends since my dementia would have grown year after year.

8. My trip to California was one of the greatest gifts from God in many other aspects, and one of them is because the son who took me in, is a data base engineer who created this website and actually does the monthly posting of the blogs… Please, keep looking at what the will of God for all of us is: a huge gift in sooo many aspects.

9. ALSO: the time spent in Toledo, OH doing His will as I looked super crazy, was one of spiritual growth needed for the blogs… since I needed much pruning to be able to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit… Why am I in Alabama? I am not certain but I am sure that whatever the reason, my God is behind it because many miracles have occurred, like my son working from home even after he wanted to leave his job in California. Now we have our own family nearby (EWTN) and live in a brand new home full of intelligence and an intelligent car to match it! Also, I have the resources and witness to teach the world (with the book to be published) that dementia is reversible… and that depression can be experienced with a food thickener… as well as the miracle of losing pounds in some of us by detoxification. Cancer is also in the category of coming from toxicity!

FINAL WORDS for this section: you, my reader, from this day on, do not waste one moment in trying to do your own will. It is stupid and crazy… The “yes” of Jesus and His Mother are the MOST POWERFUL EXAMPLES of what to do… Let us remember that part of “their yes” was to love the Father and to obey all that the Holy Trinity through the prophets, especially Moses all the way to Jesus, gave to us, especially the call to love God and our neighbor as ourselves.

II. April’s teachings

1. Introduction: this month has been full of events secondary to my rather poor health but always finding God all over my life… Amazing! There is no question that I believe in His love and mercy more this month than last month!!! I prayed much and of course, fully aware that I am accompanied by your prayers for me and realized that I need to detoxify my body as soon as possible. I probably mentioned before that this past March 2018, the edition of the Townsend Letter, a naturopathic magazine came with tons of information regarding the problem with toxicity for all of us and the commercial for a company that sells a combination of 7 bottles to detoxify the body. The price was high and again, through much prayer, I ordered it.

Some of the products in these bottles are herbs and of course, I knew that I would be allergic to some of them. I was supposed to take 2 treatments per day and away from any food in the stomach. 4 of the products are given as sprays in the mouth so that they can be absorbed immediately. They unlock some of the toxins and the liver and kidneys start sending them out via the bile/gut and urine. After 30 minutes, I have to take another product with charcoal and three other products that will collect these toxins so that they cannot be RE-ABSORBED… This treatment takes one month. Right from the moment I started, I decided to take ONLY one treatment per day, since I would be allergic to some of the herbs. Then the treatment would take two months.

Sure enough, I had a huge reaction with much pain in my knees and inflammation all over. At this point, my son opened one of the boxes that came from California and I found my 5 BOOKS on detoxification… In my next blog, I will give you the names and a little content of what I read . However, I became super convinced that I truly needed to continue my detoxification plan no matter how much I would be suffering… Again, my Lord led my son so open this particular box to find these books, all wonderful and written by Naturopaths (ND’s), and they gave me much hope on doing this detoxification. Unfortunately, I ended up with a severe intestinal infection that made me stop the detoxification and I will try to continue in the month of May.

2. Calendar sequence events and teaching

Sunday, April 8 – Devine Mercy Sunday

1) I came back from Mass just before the homily from the LIVE Mass in Vilnius, Lithuania where St. Maria Faustina was from.

2) At 12 noon, I was able to be spiritually present for the LIVE Divine Mercy Solemn Mass in Stockbridge, MA, at the Shrine of Divine Mercy. The celebrant Archbishop’s (did not write his name!) homily was excellent.

3) 3 PM – LIVE Holy Hour in Hanceville, AL at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament. I thanked God for Mother Angelica who was a saint and sent to share her holiness even after her death with the entire world. I was able to meditate in how God used her to bless us and how He is ready to do the same with anyone else, as long as we obey His will, as she did.

Monday, April 9 – The Feast of the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation of March 25 was changed to this date because it had fallen during Holy Week.  The homily from Fr. Joseph was excellent as well.

I was in my final prayers to order the detoxification product ($525) when I received a call from my local doctor’s office nurse telling me that the laboratory results from the blood drawn the day I visited him for the first time had come normal… Wow! This God of mine is too much! Of course, it was important to know the status of my body in order to take the detox products I was about to order… In the other hand, it showed me the kindness of this doctor instead of waiting for May 3( my second appointment). When the call came in, I was in the middle of praying the Rosary. Huh! I wonder Whom else was involved in moving this doctor to tell his nurse to call me!!!

Wednesday, April 11

There is no question that we need His mercy over our world at large. Examples:

1) An actress said during X TV program that she did well in the movie that is about to be shown in theaters because she knows how to empower herself to be happy, and that is, to think more of herself… She also said how her 9 year old daughter had lost her most important possession: her teddy bear. The mother told how she was able to find it to make her happy…

2) There was a talk about how many cats end up in a public place and they become euthanized. They were asking for money to feed them in order to avoid euthanasia! Yet, we euthanize babies in the womb… with no regret!

3) D. F. (artist) said that the best artists are those who know what they want and who they are…

I felt very sad and realized that I was wasting my time tempted by my own flesh that was watching this weird news.

I proceeded to pray 4 Rosaries between 2:30 and 4 PM. I had severe pain despite the fact that I had taken pain medication two hours before.  Since my blood pressure was hi (161/81), I had to take more pain medication to help with the blood pressure since I had taken medication for blood pressure not long ago… Therefore, it was the pain causing the elevation of such. I started to wonder what was going on?…

This last story united to the above statements was giving me a severe pain in my heart or soul. Then, my Mother started saying,

 “Everything is alright. Remember that you are in God’s hands, but only if you allow Him to do it by trusting in His love for you. Always let it be. Worrying is NEVER a form of loving God because it means that you are doubting His mercy.

“It will be a daily struggle to consider your health needs and trust that God’s will for you is always perfect. Your sanctification depends on your release of all fears regarding any problems in your life. You cannot do it by yourself. You need much prayer to receive the grace necessary to be able to trust and ignore all other things around you. PLUS, you need a constant “yes” to your circumstances as the road to be traveled to truly live as a daughter of the Father and redeemed by my Son with guidance by the Holy Spirit. Work on it! Keep it on your mind and pray and agree with God’s will as the two necessary grace filled roads.”

Friday, April 13

The expensive detoxification products arrived today.

Saturday, April 14

My son and I opened accounts with Wells Fargo Bank. It turned out to be the most extraordinary visit to a bank to open an account. The younger bank employee, J. B. was extraordinary. Even as recent as two days ago, I found out that the Bank changed my social security money automatic deposit to this bank from the one in California… Of course, J. B knew that it was my desire to do so… Yet, we never thought that they could it directly with the government…

I told JB that we had prayed much about choosing Well Fargo due to its poor recent record but it was a bank with more ATM’s than other banks that we have no idea at all of. Not only that, but that the federal supervision that this Wells Fargo is going through, pretty much helped us choose it. JB seemed to be religious as well… He said that he wants always to serve others in order to fulfill his own life… It truly helped me a lot as I compared it with the stories related above…

Sunday, April 15

There was much rain on the day before and early on this day. We decided to attend the 5 PM Mass. As always, a male parishioner came to help me get to the church area. At the time of Communion, he had arranged to have someone give me the Eucharist by walking all the way to the last pew. It turned out to be the priest celebrant! Once before, another priest had come to give me the Eucharist but this time, a different priest came to me ahead of the congregation.  There is no question that God is telling us to register in this parish, which I could not do it until I got my bank account opened in order to give them checks, or better, to have the parish monthly subtract an amount from our bank account.

Monday, April 16

My oldest son sent us all a message that out of the blue, someone he knew in Los Angeles offered him a new job, even that he wants to move to live in Omaha, near my deacon son and family. This is the third son that will be working from home. God has decided to place us all in two cities in the U.S. In the previous plan, my oldest was planning to move to Omaha by June but hoping to find a full time job in this city… As you can see, this was a SUPER MIRACLE. I try very hard not to give private stories of my son’s lives; however, this miracle had to be shared with you, my reader, to be able to see that for 3 days in a row, extraordinary events came to my life, which speaks of the Holy Spirit moving hearts to help us. These stories surely help me in these moments of bad health for me. Of course, I have been praying several Rosaries per day including  a job for my oldest!

The Rosary, the Rosary and the Rosary… She can do great things by our praying this extraordinary sequence of the life of Jesus with Biblical words.

Tuesday, April 17

I started my detoxification on this day but I did react poorly to the products. I felt much pain.

Wednesday, April 18

It was on this day that I found the document from 2006 that I shared with you above.

Saturday, April 21

I found the books on detoxification, which gave me important information to hopefully continue with the product to which I was reacting badly.

Sunday, April 22

I placed my parish to-be in the list of intentions of my Rosaries. I also asked for all parishioners to receive the same grace I received at age 6 ½ of knowing without any question that the Body and Blood of Jesus are present in the consecrated bread and wine.

A well known program, 20-20, had stories about the amazing technologies that started to come in the late 70’s when Siri and Alexia were created…  In another section, they presented the story of 8 years following an older married couple where the wife started losing her memory. It was frightening to see the husband staying with his wife and how she eventually could not recognize him. He also spoke of her difficulties to walk and when she lost the memory of her own name.

It touched me deeply to realize how my Lord had detained me in Toledo for 5 years to prune me and bring me to an area where the idea of using detoxification would reverse my memory loss. By the way, the Spanish in 2009 was almost all gone from my memory. Today, it gets better daily. On the contrary, my English got almost perfect by 2009, but it continues to leave me and as of today, I tend to speak in Spanish with my son. In fact, to write this blog, I have to think in Spanish and even look in a dictionary to get the English translation. The name of the bank mentioned could not come at all… I had to look for some recent emails where I found the name!!! I am sure that my Lord is trying to remind me daily that my reversal in 2009 was real and that with the new detoxification, I will recover my English language again… Please pray for me so that I can finish the detoxification, now stopped.

Friday, April 27

I was very consoled by the EWTN Priest’s homily in the LIVE Mass. I enjoy those Masses much more than before because I am quite close to where the Mass is being celebrated.

Saturday, April 28 – Feast St. Louis Marie de Montfort

The celebrant priest in EWTN gave a wonderful review of the life of this Saint. I had kept this saint very close to me for many years and I did read his books… He wrote that Jesus and Mary were inseparable… From the point of view of science, they had to be physically identical since the genes of Jesus were all from His mother because God the Holy Spirit has no physical body for the Body of God Jesus to inherit them.

On this same date, the Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland, Oregon, celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Tridentine Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. in honor of the 10th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, the 2007 Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XVI, which encouraged the wider celebration of the ancient form of the Mass, proclaiming that it is “to be considered an extraordinary expression of the same lex orandi of the Church and duly honored for its venerable and ancient usage.”

THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL IDEAS MUST BE READ WITH GREAT CARE because I am not a theologian and I asked my Lord for an explanation for something it was bothering me. Please keep this into consideration…

In general, I liked this Mass because I grew up with this form of celebration. My grandmother was a member of the choir and my grandfather was the music director of one of the parishes that at one point they attended. Therefore, Latin was very familiar to me as a child but I truly never understood what it meant in Spanish. After Vatican II (1965), I liked the “novus ordo” or present Mass in the local language. I was able to truly meditate during the Mass in what it was prayed at all parts of the Mass. It made more sense to me!

I then asked my Lord to explain to me which of the forms of celebration of the Mass was His preference… By the way, when I write that God said something, these are not actual words. The content of the teaching comes AS AN UNDERSTANDING of what He wants to tell me and I take notes most especially with my present bad memoryNormally, it comes with great peace, which helps me differentiate from any content coming from Satan!!!  He then said the following.

 “How I get to you in the celebration of one or the other Eucharistic form is not the first item to consider at My arrival to the Eucharistic table. The first one is with how much LOVE you are ready to receive Me, and that goes for all souls present at any Mass. The type of music or type of language used will attract each one of you according to your own humanity! As for you, it does not matter what way the Ministerial Priest does it since I am real to you. For many others, their preference for Latin or local language and especially for the type of music they enjoy becomes an obstacle for My Spirit to unite souls using one or the other form.

“When you were a child, you NEVER understood the prayers before My arrival using the Latin language as you did later using the English language, even more than using Spanish. THERE IS ONLY ONE UNIFYING element to unite My people, and that is, to enter the sanctuary with one attitude coming from your soul, one of total obedience to My will at all times, as a prove of your love for Me.

“Genuflecting more times by the Priest with the old form of the Mass and showing more reverence by doing so, does not mean that your heart has left your fears and doubts in your particular lives. Such obedience to My will also MEANS to have total trust in My love for you while knowing that such trust becomes My mercy, that is, My love expressed in blessings and graces for you and others for whom you are praying. One of the blessings or graces is your desire to obey My commandments, which are based in your “yes” to whatever obstacles you find in your life, obstacles like Satanic, worldly and human temptations, and knowing that My mercy will take over your life.

“You should pray for the Church and suffer for her. Pray that all members that come to Mass will come not because they have to do it on Sundays but because they want to see Me, love Me and reiterate their “yes” to My will. Their spiritual transformation will come with time when they would rather trade their attendance to all kind of sports where a ball is moved by accomplished athletes according to the human rules established for each sport, and instead attend the Mass out of love for Me.

“Saying ‘yes’ to My will with the expressed desire to do so and not as lip service, will CONCEIVE in your souls the knowledge of My Presence as Real in the Eucharist. Then, My Spirit within your Baptized soul will bless you with My mercy, that is the need to come and receive Me, see Me, and even to cherish any opportunity to attend daily Mass. Then, the language used in the Mass  or the type of music played will have less importance as My mercy leads you to fall in love with My Real Presence. It is then that your faces will look radiant with joy and the satisfaction will be more abundant than the one of watching a ball move at any stadium or through television or I-phone. (Here I remembered how some clergy members for this Mass in Latin, did not show any special joy in their faces. It was noticeable for me and it started my intrigue and the questions to my God!)

“Be clear that you cannot get this conversion until you know Me through your ‘yes’ to My will for everything, good or bad. Even more, once your ‘yes’ to do so is part of your spiritual life, while asking for My mercy to help you with the grace to always want to say ‘yes’, you or anybody else will feel the need to go to the confessional to receive My merciful pardon for your sins.

(In one of the readings for this Mass, 2 Chronicles: 20-21, it speaks of an ambush to the enemy by God. I want to write the whole text in order to remember and expect this for ourselves in our daily living.

2 Chronicles 20:20, 21b-23

(The invaders are destroyed)  “Trust in the Lord, your God and you will be found firm. They sang ‘Give thanks to the Lord for His mercy endures forever.’ At the moment that they began this jubilant hymn, the Lord laid down an ambush against the Ammonites, Moabites and those of the Mt. Seir’; so those who were coming against Judah, were vanquished.”

(In summary, the Moabites and Ammonites completely exterminated those from Mt. Seir. When they were done, both groups turned against each other and in this way, the Lord vanquished Israel enemies!)

It was my own feeling that my Lord wanted me to remember what He can do for all of us….

Isaiah 63: 7 – “The favors of the Lord I will recall; the glorious deeds of the Lord because of all He has done for us; .. He has favored us according to His mercy and His great kindness.” (Very wonderful words for His kids!)

Jesus let me understand, “This is the way to ambush the devil, the world and your humanity for your daily existence since My Loving mercy will follow you.

3:34 PM (within the hour of mercy) “Otherwise, whatever Mass in whatever language and with the Priest looking back or towards the people will not glorify Me as MUCH AS “A MASS” in which when I arrive at the Altar of Sacrifice, all souls present KNOW Me as Present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, and most importantly if ALL ATTENDING souls are FREE FROM MORTAL SIN when they come to receive Me.” (End)

Eventually I did look for stories of what other Catholics think of this subject matter. I was amazed at the variety of ideas showing a true division regarding this topic. Here are two of them just as sample of what others think of the two rites.

1. This is nothing but different groups claiming spiritual superiority over each other. Jesus upset the apple cart as well with the Pharisee holding on to ritual (for ritual sake) and never really honoring the Lord from within their hearts.  You can have ritual without righteousness. What’s more important than the practice is *WHO* is being honored and *WHO* is the object of our worship? November 2015

2. A year and half ago a new pastor was assigned to our parish.  He is a Latin Mass proponent.  A small group have enthusiastically joined his crusade in returning our parish to 1958. Don’t get me wrong, this pastor is holy, reverent and a true servant of our parish.  It’s just that his very enthusiasm for “pre-Vatican” practices is beginning to cause a “rift” in our parish. Proponents of the Latin Mass are implying that it is more “spiritual, more superior” than our Masses said in English. 
  Lastly….at the Consecration…when we sing or say reverently….“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts….” we are proclaiming in LANGUAGE WE UNDERSTAND that we are worshipping our Savior Who we are about to receive. Saying this in Latin sounds like gibberish to me…it is NOT my language…my prayers are merely syllables put together to make a word in a foreign (dead) language. Nov. 2015 (End of two people’s ideas on the subject matter)

One of my major problems is to realize that we are living moments of great physical distress for many people. Television is a powerful instrument to waste time. It bugs me to see those in every TV station duri8ng certain programs like GMA, laughing for everything they say. It is a forced laugh and that drives me crazy. ALL COMMERCIALS are made of lies… In Birmingham, AL, the most commercials come from lawyers (at least 8-9)… There is one from Alexander Sh…, which truly makes me crazy. I never found this phenomenon in any other U.S. city, and I did travel to many places due to my need to attend medical conferences all over the country to the tune of credit 50 hours, in order to renew my medical license every 2 years. However, only in Birmingham, AL area l have I seen Politian’s announcing their upcoming elections but saying that they are Christians… and pro life! Wow! I enjoy that very much!

In general, I found certain points that I noticed to be very obvious: 1) Awareness of sin is ignored as well as the negative results of such living. 2) There are many cases where the Bible is quoted, mostly within our Protestant brothers and sisters and yet, the “yes” to God’s will from Our Lady and her Son are NEVER MENTIONED as vital for our spiritual growth. 3) There is a general tendency among all Christian religions to try to explain how to resolve our problems within our marriages, for example, but no one truly insists for all of us to undergo a major conversion and spiritual growth in order to have the Holy Spirit guide us to resolve any problems. Only human reasoning is brought up as an answer but based on the science of psychology. A personal ongoing conversion would bring divorce rates to be very low.

Later on this same day, I understood the following:

THE TIME HAS COME to live a constant “yes” to God’s will. In cases of suffering, or when others persecute us for whatever reason, living this “yes” second by second,

1) Will give us spiritual direction through the power of the Holy Spirit.

2) Will give us understanding of those who are sinning against us or those we do not like for whatever reason. We can end up loving them through patience, forgiveness, etc. It happened to me with President Obama.

 3) It will make our prayer very powerful in obtaining the salvation of other souls

4) It will obtain atonement for their sins.

5) In time, our yes to God’s will, will unite us ALL in the womb of the Roman Catholic Church.

6) In other words, a NEW PENTECOST will descend upon the Church and brought about by our communal “yes” to the will of God for everything He places in our path, and AS HIS HOLY SPIRIT will lead all members to live under HIS GUIDANCE. It is clear that we do not bring the Holy Spirit only by calling Him! We bring Him in our lives and lives of our neighbor by “our yes” to His will. We bring the Holy Spirit to our Church by our obedience to His will in order to let our Father make us One Body.

Said in other words: the Holy Trinity will take over and the love between the Father and Son (The Holy Spirit) will CONCEIVE a converted and fully evangelized Body of Christ united for the work of the Church, to bring all souls to eternal salvation (all races, all Faiths, all who got divided after being created as one in the image of ONE God, the Father almightily, creator of heaven and earth, the Son and the Spirit)).


Tuesday, May 1

2:45 PM – After watching Fox News where they reviewed the pros and cons of the investigation by Mr Mueller regarding President Trump’s supposedly collusion with Russia in order to get elected, I could indentify Satan’s tactics, the evil spirit that cannot take a pro-life President living in the White House. Yes, Mr. Trump is not perfect but the other candidate was worse, allowing the killing of unborn babies as a revered right for all women.

This week, a wonderful program has being airing where a surgeon specialized in breast cancer presented the most complete scientific explanation of the relationship of breast cancer and pregnancy. Abortion represents the highest chance of getting cancer. Full pregnancy (after 32 weeks) represents protection against breast cancer. Please, get hold of this information and pass it on to women that you may know or show it in your parish… I was amazed… This surgeon, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, was a super speaker: spoke slowly and clearly and it was extraordinary to hear her.

I checked her out in the Internet (Google) and found out how much she has been persecuted and MANY saying she is lying. If you feel like checking her out at Google, you will find how she has been treated and also notice how Satan is desperate to divide us, lie to us so not to stop abortion on demand at any cost. If you want to see her many teachings all based in studies done, you may inquire at

At 2:30 PM, I prayed the Rosary with EWTN/Spanish and at 3 PM… I said 3 more Rosaries… All these 4 Rosaries plus one chaplet of Mercy, were offered in atonement for the sins of all  involved in these fights, Democrats, Republicans and the investigating council headed by Mr.  Mueller. I prayed for their conversion and asked Our Lady to stop Satan in these horrible constant fights where many are being tempted by him to get us a pro-choice President. Now, daily, I added it as one of the petitions for my many daily Rosaries, to convert all involved and to detain Satan once and for all,  in dividing us as he is doing through his temptations.

Thursday, May 3

I had my second visit with my new primary physician… Everything went well until the very end when he told me that he had accepted another job and would not be seeing patients at this St. Vincent Center. He told me that he had the name of the best physician to see me in the future, in Sept… It turns out to be a female doctor… I do not like female physicians in general but he told me she is very good and also Catholic!!!

I got out of this place confused but I immediately knew that it is the will of God for me. In fact, I had prayed all month for Dr. K.S. and he made another important decision in his life because his new job has to do with finding a way to make medical care less expensive!!! I do not like the fact that I have to start from point zero getting to know this new physician, but again, I had just listened in EWTN Spanish, the following: “El mejor compañero de viaje es el sufrimiento, el dolor, es la cruz de nuestra vida.” “The best companion in our travel is suffering, it is pain, it is the cross in our life.”

Friday, May 4, 2018

1. I must start by remembering the anniversary when while attending a medical meeting in Houston, TX, I was told to expect a new job offer coming and to take it. I was living in Mishawaka/South Bend, IN and had just finished the basement in a house bought 6 months prior. My husband had returned to live with us after selling our home in Cleveland but he did not have a full time job. I will repeat this story but I will never forget a May 4th for being a time when God re-routed our lives and should report it again.

This May 4th was a Thursday. I returned to Indiana on Sunday, May 7th and that same evening, my husband received a call from Kaiser Permanente in Cleveland (where he had worked) offering jobs for both of us. I signaled to him to say “yes” and later told him about my talk with the Lord. My husband was uncertain when he heard the offer because Kaiser would pay us a low salary, but he said yes after my signal for acceptance.

We were sure that it would not be a reality due to money matters, but I told him about my talk with the Lord at the hotel, when He had sent me to read Joshua chapter 4, where God parted the Jordan River for Israel to pass through. God had added that just like Joshua had experienced His protection, so we would also experience His protection and cross our own “river”. Sure enough, they wanted me as chief of the department since I had more years of the practice of anesthesiology and was board certified and they would pay me $200,000; my husband would receive $150,000. He was a pathologist before re-training to become an anesthesiologist and had no board certification. Just imagine that some years before, my husband had to decide to become a ‘resident’ at an old age to become an anesthesiologist… There was an abundance of pathologists and Kaiser Cleveland would not have invited us to move with them.

This is another example of doing the ridiculous to receive the miraculous. We had to place our home in the market, transfer the two younger children to a Cleveland high school which was great because they ended up at St. Ignatius High School, where their older brothers had attended. However, my second son, Ernie, needed an apartment since he had been accepted at Notre Dame for the following September. All in all, it demanded many changes for us which meant like crossing the river Jordan but definitely under God’s will for us, and He was clear by telling me what to do with the offer, one that we had no idea would be coming or would have accepted at all without His intervention!

2. I have been trying very hard to finish this blog since my health is not good at all… For example, twice before (a couple of weeks apart) I have had blood coming through my nostrils … Why? I have no idea… I did not mention it to my doctor because he would send me to see a specialist and I have so little faith in doctors (MD’s) after 9 major errors done in my care through the years. This afternoon, as I sat to finish the difficult part of sharing what I understood regarding the High Mass of April 28, again I started bleeding profusely from my right nostril. I wondered why? Was it a sign from God to stop all blogs? Was this cross a good thing to be able to share what I had learned regarding the Latin Mass but exactly how He wants it?

3. I also watched today the life of St. Catherine of Siena and she had a miserable sickly life… She has been one of my favorite saints and in the early 90’s, I bought her book and read it. She endure many pains (with no narcotics or Tramadol available…) and could not eat anything… Satan was constantly bugging her! She died young and her suffering always comforted me because of my many crosses. She had to dictate her book because she did not know how to write… On the contrary, I have a good life… I am a physician who understands what is going on in my body; I have pain medications; I can write and type and live in a “smart” home and travel in a smart car!!! My smart home has a perfect air conditioning system and high temperatures outside are converted into normal for us inside!

There is no doubt that I cannot aspire on becoming as holy as she was with so much goodness around me. I loved that she wanted to initiate a major reform in the Church, which speaks of a lot of problems within It, even in those times. For example, her Pope was forced out of Rome and lived in Avignon, France. She convinced him to go back to Rome. He died soon after. Another Pope was elected, but a group inside our Church, elected a second Pope. Catherine was very unhappy about it.

Saturday, May 5

The EWTN Mass homilist reminded us of the credit due to the Holy Spirit for our guidance and how much we can get from Him. It was good to make this fact something to be remembered at all times. There is only one thing that I would add. He said that we all want to be liked and accepted but that we should expect being persecuted and disliked for being followers of Jesus and as the Gospel for this liturgy read and explained by Jesus Himself.

I want to add something else: once years ago when I started to say “yes” to all my crosses through the grace of God’s mercy and many times an imperfect “yes”, I have not felt the need to be liked or welcomed. This gift from Him has proven to me that slowly by surely, God can do in our souls and minds what seems impossible to obtain, and in my case, a simple agreement with His will has brought the grace of total lack of the need to be recognized in any way or form. On the contrary, I want to hide and not be positively alluded to in any way or form. I want to add this little note just to prove to all that agreeing with God’s will is a powerful instrument and especially for own spiritual growth. 


Mr. Devil has been so active and ONLY US, EACH ONE OF US, can get him defeated with our own “yes” as our Mother did… and with the prayer of the Rosary… I only have to add that all of us, who love our Church, should do that… à Say “Yes” to His will with the Rosary in our lips while contemplating what we are praying. And basically with all the mysteries, contemplating the life of Jesus and His sacrifice for us, which means His love for us in ACTION OR HIS MERCY… It is only THEN that many souls will be saved and that we can sit down and wait for the New Pentecost for the entire Church to conceive a NEW BODY in Christ that awaits His Second Coming!

Please continue praying for me… if you do, thank you very much. If you do not do, please start. All readers of this blog are in my intentions for my community Rosary plus chaplet of Mercy.  I have to work for the Kingdom at a moment in my life that suffering is a little tough to endure. Also, I am sorry for writing soo much but although it was hard on my eyes, I know He wants it that way!


Alanus de Rupe (Alain de la Roche) was a 15th-century Dominican preacher, best known for his efforts to promote the Rosary. Alanus claimed to have experienced a vision by which it was revealed to him that the Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared to St. Dominic and gave him the Rosary as a means to combat the Albigensian movement. Alanus de Rupe’s revelation concerning St. Dominic and the Rosary was generally accepted until the 17th century when the Bollandists concluded that the account of Dominic’s supposed apparition of Our Lady of the Rosary is not mentioned in any documents of the Church or Dominican Order prior to the accounts of Alanus over two hundred years later.

A popular prayer card listing the promises bears the imprimatur ("let it be printed") of Patrick J. Hayes DD who was Archbishop of New York from 1919 to 1938. It was issued after a finding of "nihil obstat" (nothing obstructs) by an archdiocesan censor who reviewed the material to determine if it contradicted Catholic teaching. Neither a "nihil obstat" nor an "imprimatur" would necessarily reflect the personal opinion of either the censor or the archbishop regarding the document reviewed. Hayes’ predecessor, John Cardinal Farley, issued an imprimatur for the edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia that holds the Rosary promises as not historical.

The 15 promises fall under the category of "private revelation", and as such are a pious tradition, which a person is free to believe or not believe.

1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.

 [A signal grace may be a simple sign in daily life that answers a question made in prayer or points towards God’s will. For example, seeing a rose after finishing a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux could be considered a signal grace. Signal graces are often subtle or seemingly coincidental.]

2.    I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.


3.    The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.

4.    It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the heart of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

5.    The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish.

6.    Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered and never overwhelmed by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death (unprepared for heaven). The sinner shall convert. The just shall grow in grace and become worthy of eternal life.

[An unprovided death means dying while not in a state of grace (that is, in dying with unconfessed mortal sin in the soul). The Blessed Mother promises that anyone who regularly prays the Rosary, and earnestly tries to live according to God’s will, will be spiritually prepared when their time of death comes.]

7.    Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die                   without the sacraments of the Church.

[Our Lady ensures that the soul will receive sanctifying grace through the Sacraments prior to its departure from the body.]

8     Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have, during their life and at their death, the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.

9     I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10  . The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven.

11  . You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

12  . All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

13   I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.

14  .All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only son Jesus Christ.

15  . Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

[By this the Blessed Mother means that a devotion to the Rosary is a good indication that the devotee is on the path to Heaven.]